Thursday, June 23, 2011

Chinatown Adventure

So today I felt like exploring, so Pietro and I decided
to walk to Chinatown to explore and find bubble tea.
Chinatown made me anxious because it was a lot
more crowded than the rest of New York (hard to
believe I know) and there were a lot of fish markets
so it smelled in some spots.  It
was fun to look at though and pass the
fresh markets and Chinese signs and check out
possible awesome Chinese food restaurants.  As
some of you know Pietro and I share a GREAT love
of bubble tea (It's like a drug to me).  We aim to be
bubble tea connoisseurs. We did find awesome
bubble tea at this place called
Ten Ren Teatime which was entirely devoted to all

types and flavors of tea.  We ordered Lychee (our
favorite flavor) and Plum and shared both.  The
Lychee was great, best in New York so far and
better than the one in Woodbridge.  Very close to as
good as our favorite bubble tea haven Fruity Yogurt
in Princeton, NJ.  The plum was not as great, too
intensely strong flavored for us.  On our way back
we stopped in a few Chinese grocery stores so
Pietro could search for his favorite bottled tea from
his time studying in China.  It was impressive to see
him talk and joke with the owners in Chinese.  So
proud :)  As we were walking back we decided to
be super nerdy and take the bubble tea hobby to the
next level.  We are going to keep a database of
every bubble tea place we visit and rate each tea on
a scale of 1-5.  Maybe someday we will make a
website with the info.

My furniture is supposed to be delivered tomorrow so pictures of a furnished apartment may come soon!

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