Monday, September 19, 2011

Photography Therapy (It's a real thing!)

So I am about to go to a lab meeting to check out this research team that I am interested in.  It is third on my list so I probably won't end up joining but it just sounds so cool I had to share.  The project is called the PhotoVoice project and it works with young elementary aged kids who are victims or domestic violence and abuse.  Some of these kids are so abused that they have traumatic brain injuries and thus have speech difficulties, motor skill difficulties etc. making talking about their experiences or expressing through other artistic methods difficult.  The purpose of the project is to give them a voice with which to express their thoughts and feelings about what has happened to them in a therapeutic way.  Every week they meet and share that weeks "photo assignment." By taking photos and sharing them with the class, they are able to express themselves and often end up talking about their past, because they feel more comfortable when everyone is looking at the photo rather than at them.

I just think this is so cool, the only think that makes me hesitant to join is that I'm not sure they collect the right type of data to foster a thesis in two years but maybe they will convince me at my meeting today, we will see...

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