Friday, October 28, 2011

You're Not a New Yorker Until.....

So my friends, coworkers, and I came up with a list of things that you must experience in order to truly call yourself a resident of New York City (inspired by the How I Met your Mother episode) . This all started because I have been complaining a lot lately about how I have yet to see someone famous walking around but it seems I get texts from my friends every other day saying "You'll NEVER guess who I saw..." Even a couple celebrities have come into Argo but never during my shift! It is my goal before I leave this city to see someone famous.

Anyway here is our compiled list of "You're not a real New Yorker until" experiences:
(Italicized yellow means I have checked it off my list)
1.-You see a famous person walking around
2.-You find a cockroach in your apartment
3.-You get ripped off by a cab driver
4.-At least one local merchant recognizes you as a regular (in my case dry cleaner, coffee shop, and bubble tea place)

5.-Your family comes to visit you in New York, instead of you flying out constantly
6.-You have a favorite bagel place
7.-You feel incredibly entitled to the city, and annoyed by all the people who have moved to it after you (haha Pietro laughs at me for this all the time, since I've only been there 5 months)
8.-The homeless guy on your street corner knows you
9.-You've worked in a terrible, degrading, (usually food service) job to pay your rent

10.-You've been in such a rush you got on the subway going the wrong direction
11.-You've been verbally assaulted by a homeless person (same homeless person from #8)
12.-You've given directions to a tourist
13.-You've ignored someone asking for money
14.-You've seen giant rats in the subway

15.-You've been late to work because of subway construction

16.-Despite all of the negative things on this list, you still love living there

Obviously I'm not a real New Yorker, but maybe someday...

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