Sunday, October 30, 2011

Almost Got Stuck in NJ

So it snowed this weekend, in October... before Halloween... but as strange as it was it did make for a pretty site to watch through the window from Pietro's warm and dry apartment.  We were not about to let snow mess with our faturday however so we trekked more than a mile each way in shoes not made for snow to go to Hoagie Haven to get the legendary Phat Lady (18" sub as wide as my head with french fries, fried mozzarella sticks, and cheesesteak). I may or may not have eaten an entire one by myself :-P

The only thing that worried me was that I needed to take the train back to NY the next morning to go to work.  I was worried about the weather affecting the trains. It all turned out to be fine and I made it to work on time, Pietro however was not so lucky.  He was going to fly to California for a week and his flight was delayed for 3 hrs because of the snow. Lucky him though because right now he is in sunny CA enjoying 70 degree weather....grrr...

Anyway here are some pictures of our hike the day before and then the picturesque snow the next day:

sad face

Friday, October 28, 2011

You're Not a New Yorker Until.....

So my friends, coworkers, and I came up with a list of things that you must experience in order to truly call yourself a resident of New York City (inspired by the How I Met your Mother episode) . This all started because I have been complaining a lot lately about how I have yet to see someone famous walking around but it seems I get texts from my friends every other day saying "You'll NEVER guess who I saw..." Even a couple celebrities have come into Argo but never during my shift! It is my goal before I leave this city to see someone famous.

Anyway here is our compiled list of "You're not a real New Yorker until" experiences:
(Italicized yellow means I have checked it off my list)
1.-You see a famous person walking around
2.-You find a cockroach in your apartment
3.-You get ripped off by a cab driver
4.-At least one local merchant recognizes you as a regular (in my case dry cleaner, coffee shop, and bubble tea place)

5.-Your family comes to visit you in New York, instead of you flying out constantly
6.-You have a favorite bagel place
7.-You feel incredibly entitled to the city, and annoyed by all the people who have moved to it after you (haha Pietro laughs at me for this all the time, since I've only been there 5 months)
8.-The homeless guy on your street corner knows you
9.-You've worked in a terrible, degrading, (usually food service) job to pay your rent

10.-You've been in such a rush you got on the subway going the wrong direction
11.-You've been verbally assaulted by a homeless person (same homeless person from #8)
12.-You've given directions to a tourist
13.-You've ignored someone asking for money
14.-You've seen giant rats in the subway

15.-You've been late to work because of subway construction

16.-Despite all of the negative things on this list, you still love living there

Obviously I'm not a real New Yorker, but maybe someday...

Monday, October 24, 2011

Saturday at the Museum

This past Saturday Pietro and I went to the Museum of Modern Art with our friends Zack and Katie, some pieces were super cool and some were just plain weird. But it was a fun experience so I thought I'd share some pictures :)

Saw this on the way

This one was like a black hole, it sucked us all into staring at it for a good five minutes

This one looks like poo

This is one of my favorites, kinda cool to get to see it

It's been awhile...

So I've been really overwhelmed and busy, hence the lack of posts.

Just wanted to announce the news that I have officially put in my two weeks notice at Argo.  It was too much and many other aspects of my life were suffering as a result.  School and the people I love are the priorities in my life, not this job.

I will really miss it though so I am keeping the option open for possibly going back in the future, maybe in the summer.  My last day is November 6th, so if you want free drinks, come visit now before I lose them!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Argonaut and the Flatiron

So I got a promotion at work, and spent all day yesterday in training to be an Argonaut! Basically it just means I am also a trainer now so new people can come in and follow me around for a week while I teach them how to work at Argo.  But the cool part is I get 50 bucks every time I train someone, starting with my first trainee next week!

Anyway the training is above our location in the very famous flatiron building so while I was there I whipped out my camera for a quick second and thought I'd share.  I'd really like to go back at night and get some more, cooler shots

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Steve Jobs

So as most of you know, Steve Jobs passed away this week, marking a huge loss in the world of technology.  Possibly one of the MOST influential people of this century.  Without him we would not have personal computers, smart phones, iTunes, iPods, computer animation, toy story, pixar, etc. All of that spawned from one person.  Pietro is at this point  about to graduate and is trying to make the huge decision between taking a comfy salaried job offer as a business consultant or following his entrepreneurial dream of starting something big.  He posed an excellent question, where would the world be if Steve Jobs had spent his life as a salaried employee at a consulting firm?

It's definitely something I was thinking about when we visited the memorial that people started at the Apple store on 5th ave

A Walk in the Park

Sorry it's been so long!! work plus all my homework is keeping me super busy...

Anyway lately I've been feeling like I don't take advantage of living here enough, I go straight from work to class and then to my apt every day, it's easy to forget I live in one of the coolest cities. With that said, when Pietro visited me this weekend I decided we were going to do some exploring.

We ended up going to Highline Park which is build on an abandoned elevated rail road track that runs up 10th ave from 12th st. to 30th st.  We walked the whole length while taking pictures of course :)

  can you spot the Peruvian?

 We bought a snack along the way

He looks like an inspired visionary