Monday, May 28, 2012

Pictures at Last

Hey guys sorry this took so long but unpacking took a while.  There is still a lot to be done (case in point you might notice the bed is still on the floor, we couldn't build the bed Ikea sent us because it was missing a part)
but everything is there for the most part so you get the idea

Anyway here are the pictures! (forgive the quality they're cell phone pics)


Old apartment all packed up

Empty old apartment!

There was no place to put all my clothes before they delivered my wardrobe




Living room from bedroom

Living room from bedroom

Living room from bedroom

Living room from hall with bedroom doors closed

Living room from hall with bedroom doors open


Bedroom view

View from fire escape outside bedroom

Monday, May 14, 2012


Moving day was this past weekend!
I was super sick so Pietro and his roommate did most of the work while my friend Christina and I watched/organized the truck.  Its done though with no major incidents! I still don't have internet in the new apartment so I'm sitting on the empty floor of the old apartment writing this while I'm supposed to be studying for exams... anyhow I will post more pics when everything is unpacked and pretty but here's one from moving day where I decided they should carry me up the stairs too :-P

More to come!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Its. Just. Not. Fair.

Today my fellow coworker posted this picture:

Yes. That is Ryan Gosling sitting at a table in Argo.  MY PLACE OF EMPLOYMENT. I was just there yesterday! Sitting at that exact table! WHY DO I ALWAYS MISS THINGS LIKE THIS.

So incredibly jealous. I've been stuck at home with a cold but if she had posted the picture while he was still there I would have gotten my sick self out of bed and ran over there in my pajamas.
So mad I missed this.